Using magento API to get order details

20 Mar 2016 in Magento

With the following snippet you can get order details from the magento API:

$proxy = new SoapClient('http://your-magento-site/index.php/api/soap/?wsdl=1');
$session = $proxy->login('SOAP-API-USER', 'SOAP-API-PASSWORD');
$orders = $proxy->call($session, 'sales_order.list', [
        'entity_id' => [2595],                 // filter by order id
        //'status' => ['in' => ['Canceled']],  // or by status
        //'state'  => ['in' => ['canceled']],  // or by state, etc
foreach ($orders as $order) {
    // fetch information about each order
    $order = $proxy->call($session, '', $order['increment_id']);

You must have an api user with correct permissions in order for this to work (look under "System" > "Web Services").