Creating a Vagrant environment from scratch
18 Jan 2017 in Vagrant
In order to start, create a vagrant environment based on Ubuntu Trusty (of course you can start with something of your choice):
# create the machine
vagrant init ubuntu/trusty
# boot it
vagrant up
# get into
vagrant ssh
# configure it
sudo apt-get update
# install vim
sudo apt-get install vim
# more commands like eg
# - install apache
# - install mysql
# - configure something
# - etc
# create a swap file
sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/swap bs=1M count=512
sudo chmod 600 /swap
sudo mkswap /swap
echo "/swap none swap sw 0 0" | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab
# clear the box
sudo apt-get clean
# minimize packaged box size
sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/EMPTY bs=1M
sudo rm -f /EMPTY
# clear history
cat /dev/null > ~/.bash_history && history -c && exit
When you are ready, logout and package the box
vagrant package --output
and destroy the machine
vagrant destroy
rm Vagrantfile
Then you can either import the box like this
vagrant box add my/box
vagrant init my/box
Or you can take advantage of box versioning:
At first calculate the sha1 (or sha256, sha512, your call) of the box
And then create the file my-box.json with contents like
"name": "my/box",
"description": "This box contains My Box",
"versions": [
"version": "1.0.0",
"providers": [{
"name": "virtualbox",
"url": "file:///path/to/my/",
"checksum_type": "sha1",
"checksum": "-->CHECKSUM-HERE<--"
after that, you can import the box with something like
vagrant box add path/to/my-box.json
vagrant init my/box
or by supplying it in the Vagrantfile: = "my/box"
config.vm.box_url = "file://path/to/my-box.json"
By adjusting the above paths accordingly you can store the boxes along with the json file (the box metadata) on a personal server.
Of course, the preffered way to create a vagrant environement is to use something like chef, puppet, ansible, etc, but this is simpler in the essence that you don't have to deal with any provisioning tools.